Pete's Log: Electricians and Dinosaurs

Entry #1911, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 42 years old.)

Almost 72 hours since my Covid-19 shot and the only side effect I've felt is a sore arm, and that's pretty much gone by now. It was no worse than how my arm feels after a flu shot. Jamie got hers on Saturday.

We got an electrician in Saturday to get a few things done that we've wanted done forever (well, since buying the place four years ago). Among a few other things, there were two big items:

  • Running conduit and installing an outlet for a garage door opener on the alley-facing side of the garage
  • Running conduit and installing a couple outlets in the crawl space so the sump pump no longer is connected to a long extension cord

Up next: get a garage door opener for the alley side garage door and battery backup for the sump pump. JB was real curious to know what the electrician was up to.

We took JB to the zoo on Friday afternoon. They have animatronic dinosaurs all over and those seemed to capture her attention the most. She kept roaring her best dino impression and if we were ever out of visual range of a dinosaur, she would ask where they were. We stopped by the gift shop on our way out and she excitedly picked a dino toy as a souvenir. We thought she hadn't paid much attention to the real animals, but at bedtime she kept telling us all about all the animals she saw, so evidently she took in more than she let on.