Pete's Log: Home Assistant is back!

Entry #2015, (Home Automation)
(posted when I was 43 years old.)

It's been a couple months now since Home Assistant started misbehaving. At first I put in some effort trying to diagnose and/or fix it. Then I just resorted to periodically rebooting it with regular restores from backup. Then a few weeks ago I just gave up on it and left our home unautomated.

Today that has finally come to an end. Home Assistant is now running on the pi cluster. It was somewhat anticlimactic. I think it helps that I'm getting to a point where I sort of know what I'm doing. The only real issue was that Home Assistant won't run behind a reverse proxy without you asking it real nicely to. Luckily it was easy enough to kubectl exec into the Home Assistant pod and edit the configuration.yaml file there to configure the use_x_forwarded_for and trusted_proxies values for the http integration. Pretty sure a little more thought needs to go into the trusted_proxies value, but I'll get there.

It's going to take a little longer to get everything caught back up to where it was, since

  1. All my Zwave devices have new entity IDs because of switching to Zwavejs
  2. I still have a few more components to get up and running, like Network UPS Tools.

What I really want to try at some point is to power off one of the pis abruptly and see what the cluster does. Because otherwise what's the point?