Pete's Log: Rainbow Crossword

Entry #2204, (Parenthood)
(posted when I was 44 years old.)

JB has joined me in my Cell Tower obsession, although she calls it "rainbow crossword." So she'll ask me if we can play the rainbow crossword, and I can't really say no.

She'll wait patiently while I look for words and when I find them, I spell them out for her and she enters them. She's pretty good with her letters at this point, but it feels like good practice. Once the word is complete, she asks me what it spells and I'll tell her.

When she doesn't know the word, she'll ask what it means. But if she does know the word, she'll tell me something about the word. For the word "vision" she told me "that's what Bruno has!"

So today, after we entered the word "messy"

Screenshot of Cell Tower Game #140. Several words have already been discovered: latter, harmful, room, young, outside, displays, and messy

she told me "I know that because of my room!"