Pete's Log: Success!

Entry #2259, (Chickens, Homeownership)
(posted when I was 44 years old.)

A good start to the day was had by playing StarCraft with the two birthday boys Branden and Brian.

Then I returned to the garage. A phone call with Christoph kept me entertained for some of my labor. And in the end, I finally finished this ridiculous project. The garage door opener works!

Monica and Rich then stopped by to drop off JB and some mulch. Rich approved of my handiwork. After they left, Jamie, JB and I got to work on the chicken coop. We rolled it off its usual place, dug out the old mulch, and replaced it with fresh stuff. I spread some of the "chicken-enhanced" mulch around the garden, but there's much more to be spread. It's supposed to be an excellent fertilizer. Anyone need any?