Pete's Log: Big Feelings

Entry #2287, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 44 years old.)

We were only gone two nights, but robins again saw an opportunity to build a nest on our backdoor light.

A half-constructed robin nest on the light outside our back door

I even saw two of them trying to bring additional material to the nest after we got back. I couldn't bring myself to knock down the nest, but I did stand on the deck for a while. Hopefully they reconsider their nesting location.

Jamie and I both felt like our time away was a good mental reset, but we both also struggled with feeling guilty about enjoying ourselves.

Returning home to an empty house was difficult. Then this evening we ordered delivery for dinner and when the doorbell rang, Jamie and I both again felt an overwhelming sense of loss since the sound of the doorbell is so connected to Boogie barking in our minds.

We just have to keep reminding ourselves she lived a good life.