Pete's Log: my cat can eat a whole watermelon

Entry #975, (Coding, Hacking, & CS stuff)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

dagumit. I can remember the days when I understood trigonometry. These days I have to draw everything out on paper before I can figure out what I want to do. I'm having a particularly difficult time figuring out viewer orientation in opengl for my graphix final project. what's wrong with me? I just can't seem to figure out what axis I want to spin about. And it's not helping matters that I don't yet have a sensible-looking environment with a sensible frustum (heh heh heh) set up, so things look unnatural to begin with, so it's often hard to see how stuff is spinning. I should just go to sleep and deal with it tomorrow.

wo haben Sie die Eier versteckt? Was ist los? Wo bin ich? Warum sind meine kleider nicht hier? Hilfe! Konichiwa!