Pete's Log: The End

Entry #1185, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 23 years old.)

Last night: Mamie, Cari, Brian, and I and some good wine. It was a good time. We also had some vegan snacks. Fake buffalo wings, soy ice cream (yummy yummy yummy -- peanut butter & chocolate flavor), chips, salsa, and a little bit of vodka (which, surprisingly enough, is not made from faces). We "watched" Labyrinth and The Last Crusade.

I just got my oil changed and my tires rotated. My car is ready to hit the road. I wish I was. I'm playing with some VLSI (because I want to plot the chip before I leave, and I want to finish a few details before I plot the chip). I had a meeting with Dr Freeh today. A few more details remain to be taken care of. Then I'm off to Missouri. If all goes according to plan, I'll head to CO after a brief stay with Perk.

Steve Miller Band rocks!!!

Fellowship of the Ring rocked!!! I wanna see it on the big screen a few more times, then I'll dedicate an entry to the film. Arun, Shelece, Andy, Cari, Brian, Mamie and I had a group appearance at the film, after a good Indian meal at Star of India. Yummy veggie vindaloo.

VLSI grades aren't posted yet. Oh well.

I think that's about all for now. The next few weeks of log entries will not be coming from IN. I need to remember to turn sshd on malloc back on, just in case ...