Pete's Log: Married with Child

Entry #1817, (Life in General, Meta, Parenthood)
(posted when I was 41 years old.)

Branden gave me some grief about my log being defunct and he wasn't wrong. It's been a year and a half since my last entry, but at least we haven't missed a calendar year this time.

It's past my bedtime, so bullet points it is! I'm sure to forget something, but I think I'll get the important bits.

  • Went to Austin on a work trip. Jamie tagged along and we touristed around. We also made a side trip to Houston to visit Branden and Susie.
  • Jamie and I had a scavenger hunt bachelor/bachelorette party in the Chicago and Milwaukee areas. We ended in a tie.
  • Jamie and I got married!
  • I got a new job.
  • We went to the Florida Keys for our honeymoon. Flew into Miami and rented a convertible and toured all the way down to Key West and back.
  • We had a baby girl! She's amazing. She's three months old now and melts my heart multiple times a day.