Pete's Log: camlpiler and pgtc

Entry #1845, (Coding, Hacking, & CS stuff)
(posted when I was 42 years old.)

I published my first package to npm yesterday. It's called camlpiler and I'm not certain anyone other than me is really going to want to use it. But it was something I thought was neat and useful for some possibly very me-specific use cases. My current job doesn't have any sort of non-compete or "we own all your code" clauses, but I made sure to write this code on a Sunday and on esgerbeastie.

Running the npm publish command was surprisingly anticlimactic.

There's still lots to do to get camlpiler feature-complete. Right now it works for my one use case and that's probably it. But it's exciting to have a project out there that maybe I can work on when I have time to do some coding for fun.

I think this is the first piece of open source code I've released into the wider world since pgtc, which was back in 2000/2001. I did just find that I do still have the source code to versions 0.1.0 and 0.2.0 of pgtc. Maybe now that I'm a Gnome user again, I should revisit it.

While looking back at pgtc, I found that the Linux newsletter for 11/23/2000 named pgtc as its app of the week:

Review of PGTC as "App o' the week"

I dunno what else.