Pete's Log: obfusc8! obfusc8!

Entry #480, (Coding, Hacking, & CS stuff)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

the results of 1: pseudocoding during os and 2: implementing during sailor moon are as follows:

void ___(int* __,int _){*__=(3371*_+8773111)%5-2;*__=(*__==_*2)?-_:*__;}
void ____(int *_, int __){*_=(__<=0)?1:-2;}void q(int p,int l){for(;l>0;--l)
putchar(p);}int main(int a, char** v){int m,n,x=(a-1)%19,y=((int)v[0]+1)%19,
if(m==x&&n==y)q(42,1);else q(32,1);}q(124,1);q(10,1);}q(32,1);q(45,19);q(10,1);
if(x<=0||x>=18){____(&i,x);___(&j,x-y+j+i);}else if(y<=0||y>=18){____(&j,y);
q(++k-k,98765);}return 0;}

so hopefully i formatted that properly... eventually maybe i'll add a preview function for adding log entries... so anyway, my plan is to put that on a transparency, put it on the overhead at the beginning of 232 on wednesday morning, point it at a side wall, and tell them if they get bored with my lecture, they can try to figure out that code instead. and maybe point out to them the value of good style.