Pete's Log: Megumi Yasu, who are you?

Entry #926, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

So Mir has been ditched into the ocean. No word yet on whether taco bell owes anyone tacos, but it seems unlikely... Sasha had a fun observation: "I'll bet there's a boatload of enterprising eBayers waiting until dawn breaks right now, then they'll go dive for Mir parts."

So Sasha now has a php-based log: Sasha's Log. Rock on.

I've also added yet another new feature to my log, but it's cosmetic and minor and so we'll see if anyone notices what it was. But I have thought up several other new features I want to add, if I find time at some point...

Just finished a paper for algorithms... didn't do a spectactular job, but it only counts as a homework, and I figure I can afford to slack off on one homework for this class, given how I'm doing so far... and although I did some good procrastinating while writing it, I still finished with plenty of time left to go to sleep, sleep 8+ hours, and wake up plenty before class starts.

left wrist still bothering me, despite week of minimal typing. Should see if I can dig up that wrist protector thingy I got some time ago...

Arun lent me "Zodiac" by Neal Stephenson, and Paul lent me a collection of four H.G. Wells novels. So I've got me some good sci-fi reading to do.

xpenguins. do it.

I really want to code. But too much other stuff has kept me from coding. The only code I've really touched in the past two weeks is the compilers code. icky.